© Joanne Coates, Grouse Moor, Heather Burning, from the series The Lie of the Land, 2022

19 June 2024, 11am


The Jerwood/Photoworks Awards are a major commissioning opportunity supporting early-career artists working with photography to make new work and significantly develop their practice.

Two artists will receive a £15,000 award each with support from Photoworks to create new work. Support includes a £10,000 fee, a £5,000 production fee, printing by Spectrum Photographic, mentoring, an exhibition in London and a UK touring exhibition.


If you’re interested in applying but not sure if you’re eligible; or if the Awards are right for you at this point in your practice; or perhaps find the application overwhelming, this live Q&A is for you!

Join us for an informal conversation with Photoworks Director, Louise Fedotov-Clements, Photoworks Assistant Curator Danit Ariel, and previous Awardee Heather Agyepong for the chance to ask a question or to simply listen and understand if you would like to apply to the Jerwood/Photoworks Awards 5!


Book your place for free